A podcast and movement that will empower you to build your life into the one you want.





Destiny is debatable. But the filter through which you view your circumstances is 100% up to you. Whether you wake up tomorrow in your own bed,  a luxury suite at the Ritz-Carlton, or in a hospital bed, don’t wait to start building your life into the one you want! 

Join John B Grimes in the debate. Does effort make you lucky? 
A tremendous mind set is not circumstantial. It takes some faith and some effort, but it is created. So whether you're trying to overcome impossible odds, lead people to top performance or just improve your sales, there are tactics and approaches that create a better and more effective view of the world. 
"Surviving meningitis turned out to be the easy part—so easy that I'd done it in my sleep.
The seemingly impossible part was living after surviving meningitis."