As we move into a new year, I think it’s a good time to evaluate many things in life. In this episode, Dr Angela Holliday-Bell stops by to talk about the importance of sleep. She says that sleep is the solution to everything. So, we dive into that bo...
The great Jack Chen stops by to share his sight loss story and how a simple podcast episode with Dan Berlin turned into a documentary film and bold social action campaign to fundamentally alter the way that employers think about talent in the blind c...
Sheryl Ellis, a Certified Professional in Human Resources and a recognized expert in Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) stops by to discuss how she helps employees and employers understand how to apply the ADA to a workplace accommo...
Dylan Rafaty’s personal mission is to increase opportunities by opening new doors so that everyone can have an overall better quality of life. He stops by to share his unique personal journey, being born with both significant hearing loss and early s...
Founder and President of the Together Achieving Dreams (TAD) Foundation, Kathryn Webster, stops by to share her unbelievably unique sight loss journey and the humbling moment she became comfortable with herself. Kathryn explains TAD Foundation’s thre...
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Billy Parker, stops by to explain how NSITE is a one-stop-shop for blindness employment. A spinoff of the National Industries for the Blind (NIB), NSITE works with employers to identify potential candidates who are...
Founder and CEO, Lukas Simianer, stops by to illuminate some staggering employment statistics of the blind and visually impaired community. He shares the origin story of Clusiv, the world’s first e-learning platform built for and by the blind and the...