The great Jack Chen stops by to share his sight loss story and how a simple podcast episode with Dan Berlin turned into a documentary film and bold social action campaign to fundamentally alter the way that employers think about talent in the blind c...
The last time we connected with adventurer Jill Wheatley she was in Kathmandu, Nepal preparing to ascend the world’s eighth highest mountain, Manaslu. This time, we find Jill in Canada. She stops by to recap her last two years of climbing and tell us w...
Professional Speaker & Curiosity Instigator André van Hall stops by to help us unleash the power of what if to awaken curiosity, so we can instigate change, adapt and innovate. André also shares his vision loss story, about his book, The Curiosity of Ch...
Andrew Donald, also known as the Nocturnal Archer, is a professional pianist, vocalist and music educator living and working in Melbourne, Australia. HE stops by to talk about life with Rod-monochromatism, a rare vision impairment that causes an extreme...
Founder of Blind Fury Fitness, Brittany Culp, stops by to share why she believes that mental health and physical fitness go hand-in-hand, and contribute to the overall wellness of individuals. Brittany also talks about her journey with sight loss due to ...
Steve Bate, MBE stops by to share how the shock of his Retinitis Pigmentosa diagnosis may have been the best thing that ever happened to him. In just a few years Steve adapted his dreams of outdoor adventure into cycling and won Paralympic gold and world...
Becky Andrews, CMHC stops by to share about her journey with Retinitis Pigmentosa, her business Resilient Solutions and some extraordinary athletic adventures. Becky also reflects on her memoir and gives John some much needed parenting advice....
Three-time world Shot Put and Discus champion, Kevin Brousard stops by to share how sports dramatically changed the trajectory of his life after struggling with a tremendously rare eye condition as a child. Kevin also talks about his work with the United...
For Jill Wheatley, it was a day like any other when a sudden accident caused a traumatic brain injury. She stops by to tell her survival story of more than two years, seven hospitals in three countries. Jill also shares her struggle with an eating disord...
Due to a rare eye disease, Kyle Coon lost his sight at an early age, but that minor detail didn’t affect his vision for life and ability to complete some amazing athletic adventures. He is a hopeful member of Team USA for the 2020 Paralympic Games in T...
Fellow survivor, Jamie Schanbaum, stops by to share her meningitis story and talk about life as an amputee, the vaccine legislation she helped pass, her advocacy with the J.A.M.I.E. Group and her days as a cyclist on the United States Paralypic team. Jam...
Good friend and host of the Hustle and Pro Podcast, Kelly Walker stops by to talk sports and all that implies. We discuss aging with sports and how life changes impact the way we play and consume sports...
Cat Bouwkamp with the United States Association of Blind Athletes stops by to discuss her participation in the 2012 London Paralympics, the USABA and National Blind Sports Week...