Destiny Is Debatable
Sept. 26, 2023

Fatherhood and Socks with Two Blind Brothers

⚠️ **WARNING** This episode contains gratuitous dad jokes! 🤣  Since we last connected with Bradford and Bryan Manning, they have both become fathers. They stop by to answer some wacky questions from John, talk about fatherhood and entertain us with s...

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Nov. 8, 2022

Live Life Rich with Marissa Nehlsen

Professionally Marissa Nehlsen is a coach, speaker, and CEO of a 7-figure financial firm. Personally, she is a sister, mother, and grandmother with an extraordinary journey from a trailer court to financial freedom with plenty of challenges along the way...

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Oct. 18, 2022

Assistive Technology with Matt Philipenko

Matt Philipenko returns to expand on the assistive devices and software that makes his world go ‘round. As a Microsoft Office Ranger, Matt is passionate about Windows and Office accessibility. Matt takes John for a tour of new and improved Magnifier and ...

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Aug. 23, 2022

Rise Up with Matt Philipenko

Matt Philipenko stops by to share his journey with the rare retinal disease Stargardts, how it affected him and his family and why he developed the mindset to Rise Up rather than roll over. Matt also discusses the extraordinary nomadic adventure that ult...

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Aug. 3, 2021

Two Blind Brothers

Brad and Bryan Manning, also known as Two Blind Brothers, stop by to discuss how growing up with Stargardt’s disease, an inherited disorder of the retina, instilled some life lessons that equipped then to create their clothing line and donate the profit ...

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Nov. 10, 2020

The Blind Life

Sam Seavey, host of The Blind Life channel on YouTube, stops by to discuss Stargardt macular degeneration, iOS versus Android, Mac versus Windows, a personal hygiene tip and Simon & Garfunkel...

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Sept. 1, 2020

eSight4 Next Generation Enhanced Vision Assistive Technology

The Chief Commercial Officer of eSight , Brian McCollum, joins John to discuss their latest release.  eSight4 is a wearable device that enhances vision for the visually impaired and low vision communities...

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