Bradford Manning Profile Photo

Co-Brother at Two Blind Brothers

Founders and brothers Bryan Manning and Bradford Manning are the Two Blind Brothers. They grew up in Virginia and currently live together in New York City. They are equally obsessed about the way clothing feels, and they are ruthlessly committed to finding cures for blindness. At a young age, they were both diagnosed with Stargardt disease, which is a form of macular degeneration.

Sept. 26, 2023

Fatherhood and Socks with Two Blind Brothers

⚠️ **WARNING** This episode contains gratuitous dad jokes! 🤣  Since we last connected with Bradford and Bryan Manning, they have both become fathers. They stop by to answer some wacky questions from John, talk about fatherhood and entertain us with s...
Aug. 3, 2021

Two Blind Brothers

Brad and Bryan Manning, also known as Two Blind Brothers, stop by to discuss how growing up with Stargardt’s disease, an inherited disorder of the retina, instilled some life lessons that equipped then to create their clothing line and donate the profit ...