James Warnken Profile Photo

Online Accessibility Specialist

I am a 24-year-old, visually impaired/legally blind online accessibility specialist with a deep background in digital marketing and design. I have recently obtained my IAAP CPACC certification and am currently pursuing the IAAP WAS certification to become CPWA. Over the last few years, working in marketing and online accessibility, I have realized that I have a very unique perspective compared to most. Living with a visual disability, 7+ years in the tech/marketing space, and now almost 2 years in the digital accessibility space. My mission is to educate, guide, and connect organizations so that they can own their accessibility initiatives instead of relying on overlays, third party providers, or hoping that it solves itself.

Feb. 21, 2023

James Warnken and Online Accessibility

James Warnken stops by to share about his journey with progressive vision loss due to the rare eye disease, Genetic Retinal Dystrophy, which typically leads to blindness. He discusses some of the challenges he faced during his unconventional path thr...

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