Feb. 23, 2024

5 Things I Wish Were Understood About People With Physical Limitations

5 Things I Wish Were Understood About People With Physical Limitations

.:: By John B Grimes


Following a recent interview, I've had the opportunity to reflect further on a question I was asked. With this additional time for consideration, I'd like to provide a more comprehensive response. 

First of all, I think it’s critical to acknowledge that among all minority groups worldwide, the disability community is like that huge, welcoming tent at a carnival — open to everyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, education, or wealth. Disability is the great equalizer; it knows no boundaries and can tap anyone on the shoulder at any stage of life. I was just shy of 20 years old when meningitis ushered me into the tent. And believe you me — I had plenty of preconceived assumptions that I brought along with me. Let’s dispel some of those: 


  1. Invisibility Cloaks Aren't Just for Wizards
    Disabilities often wear the cloak of invisibility, blending seamlessly into the fabric of daily life. So, before you judge a book by its cover, remember that disabilities can be as sneaky as a chameleon at a rainbow convention. Avoid assuming someone's abilities or challenges based solely on their appearance. They might surprise you with hidden talents!


  1. Blindness is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Situation
    Just like pizza preferences or Netflix recommendations, blindness comes in many shapes and sizes. What might be a walk in the park for one person could feel like navigating a labyrinth for another. So, when you see me riding a bicycle, remember that everyone's experience is as unique as a fingerprint.


  1. Questions are Welcome, Just Don't Be a Bull in a China Shop
    If you're tiptoeing around us like we're fragile porcelain, cut it out! We're not delicate snowflakes; we're just folks with a few extra challenges thrown into the mix. So, if you're curious or unsure about how to interact with us, just ask! Most of us aren’t mind readers, and we appreciate genuine curiosity over awkward silence any day.


  1. Creativity is Our Middle Name
    Think MacGyver, but with a disability twist. Despite our physical limitations, we're the masters of improvisation, the wizards of adaptation. Need to open a jar? We've got a trick for that. Want to navigate a crowded room? We've got a strategy for that too. So, don't be fooled by our outward appearance; we're capable of more than you can imagine.


  1. Independence is a Precious Treasure
    Yes, we appreciate the offer of help, but hold your horses! Before swooping in like a knight in shining armor, remember that we value our independence like pirates treasure their booty. So, next time you want to lend a hand, just ask first. We might surprise you with a "Thanks, but I've got this!" followed by a wink and a smile.


In conclusion, let's ditch those outdated assumptions, sprinkle in some empathy, and embrace the diversity that makes life a wild and wacky rollercoaster ride. After all, who wants to live in a world where everyone's the same? That sounds more like a bad sci-fi movie plot than real life! So, let's celebrate our quirks, laugh at our mishaps, and dance through life like nobody's watching (or like everyone's watching but they're too busy enjoying their own crazy dance moves to care)!