Oct. 26, 2023

Garrison Wynn and Destiny Is Debatable

Garrison Wynn and Destiny Is Debatable

In a world of spoken thought and musings, the humble little podcast known as Ambiguously Blind has undergone a profound transformation, shedding its audio cocoon to emerge as a captivating orator, primed for epic debates on destiny's enigmatic crossr...

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Destiny Is Debatable

In a world of spoken thought and musings, the humble little podcast known as Ambiguously Blind has undergone a profound transformation, shedding its audio cocoon to emerge as a captivating orator, primed for epic debates on destiny's enigmatic crossroads. Destiny Is Debatable, has taken flight and is eager to challenge the very threads of fate.

Okay, sorry… That may be a little dramatic, but we are evolving. Ambiguously Blind is now Destiny Is Debatable! And, as you may have heard, I’ve been working on a writing project for a long, long, looooooong, time.

Over the past 18 months, I’ve been working with a partner to help extract and organize my story and turn it into a high-impact message balanced with my signature sense of humor. Voilà, Destiny Is Debatable is born!  

I’m very pleased to announce that we’ve made tremendous progress. I thought this was the perfect time to bring my partner, the great Garrison Wynn, on the podcast to talk about what we’ve been up to and let you know where we’re headed. 




.:: Destiny is Debatable is a Cemblem production and made possible by the generous support of our listeners and Executive Producer, Erin Grimes. 

Please consider supporting to sustain our content.  

Garrison Wynn Profile Photo

Garrison Wynn

CEO, Keynote Speaker, Author, Consultant

With talents that established him as a Fortune 500 leader and professional stand-up comedian, Garrison Wynn, CSP, fuses comic timing and research to deliver motivational business expertise. For 26 years, he has given keynote presentations to clients (such as American Express, Amazon, Caterpillar, Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway, Intel, McDonalds, the NFL, and NASA) at corporate and association events. He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author who has been featured in Forbes and Inc. Magazines. In his teens, he helped debut the world’s first video console gaming system (Odyssey) and as a young man spent 6 years as a pro standup touring comedy clubs with the top names in the business. He went on to become the youngest department head in a Fortune 500 company’s history, where he researched and designed processes for 38 company locations nationwide and developed and marketed products still being sold in 30 countries.

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