Erin Profile Photo

Executive Producer

Executive Producer and part-time co-host of the Ambiguously Blind Podcast.

Aug. 29, 2023

Honey, What Do You Want For Dinner Tonight?

John and Erin are joined by Chef Regina and Stan to help tackle the age-old question. What do you want for dinner tonight? After dishing some priceless marriage advice, Regina and Stan talk about how they handle dinner and share some practical ide...
Guests: Erin , Regina Mitchell
Aug. 22, 2023

Hypothetically Speaking Five

Aerin, sorry I mean, Erin once again joins John for the fifth installment of the hypothetical question series. While indulging in a bottle of Dreaming Tree, Erin decides to change her name, settles for $1,000 per day for the rest of her life while we...
Guest: Erin
Aug. 4, 2023

Hypothetically Speaking Four

Aaron, sorry I mean, Erin once again joins John to pose more humorous hypothetical questions. In a twist, Erin gets herself in trouble when she brings a bottle of wine from Schitz's Creek which earns the distinguished “E” rating for this epis...
Guest: Erin
July 18, 2023

Hypothetically Speaking Three

Amazingly, Erin is back with another round of hypothetical questions for John. Although there are no “scandalous” questions this time, things get weird as John is topless, allergic to elderly people and on the top bunk by the end of the episode. But,...
Guest: Erin
June 27, 2023

Hypothetically Speaking Two

After an exciting and somewhat cryptic podcast and book update, Erin is back with another round of hypothetical questions for John that force them to choose the better of two bad options. Things get tense when Erin poses a “scandalous” question and...
Guest: Erin
Dec. 6, 2022

Join Me For An Eggnog

John and Erin welcome back long-time compadres, Chris and Heidi Elder all the way from Germany, for some season’s eatings and Alton Brown’s version of aged eggnog. As homemade eggnog experts, Chris and Heidi discuss the simple recipe and their tradit...
Guests: Chris Elder , Erin
June 21, 2022

Hypothetically Speaking

Erin is back with more questions for John. In a twist, these questions are hypotheticals that force them to choose the better of two bad options. Fun and laughter ensue. What would you choose?
Guest: Erin
Dec. 27, 2021

Join Me For A Cider

Home brew master and long-time compadre, Chris Elder, stops by to discuss John’s second attempt at cider making. Joining John and Chris are the cider tasting experts, Erin and Heidi, to critique the results and share ideas for the next batch of cider and...
Guests: Chris Elder , Erin
Sept. 14, 2021

One Year

The little podcast that could turns one! It’s been a tremendous year and 40 episodes and we’re just getting started. The star of the show Erin joins John to recap the first year of the podcast and what to expect in year two. John is excited to announce t...
Guest: Erin
March 2, 2021

Fearless Hope

Chris Fears and his daughter, Finley, join Erin and John to share Finley’s miraculous story. Chris also explains how the experience motivated he and his wife, Dallas, to launch Fearless Hope, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting children liv...
Jan. 26, 2021

Q&A Four

Erin returns with more listener questions. John discusses what he misses the most after vision loss, how technology helps with independence and if his other senses have become heightened to adapt to the loss of vision. In addition, they cover plans for t...
Guest: Erin
Dec. 15, 2020

Moms and Meningitis

National Meningitis Association President Leslie Maier joins John and Erin to discuss the organization and how she channeled her grief into advocacy and action after she lost her son to meningitis. Leslie shares Chris’ story, explains how she first got i...
Guests: Leslie Maier , Erin
Dec. 8, 2020

Brew Dads - Tasting

Chris and Erin were integral parts of the four-week cider home brewing process. They join John for the most important part of the experience, the tasting. They sample and critique the final product. Then discuss modifications and the plan for the next ba...
Guests: Chris Elder , Erin
Dec. 1, 2020

Q&A Three

Erin returns with more listener questions. John discusses his rehabilitation, motivation to return to college life and working through setbacks.  Erin and John also share advise they would give their younger selves and their engagement story...
Guest: Erin
Nov. 3, 2020

Q&A Two

Erin, is back! She confronts John about the "out" and they wrap up the story of how they met, discuss meningitis, the mindset of being tremendous and faith...
Guest: Erin
Oct. 13, 2020

Q&A With Ambiguously Blind

Mrs. Ambiguously Blind, Erin, makes her world-wide podcast debut. She sits down with John to ask some of the most common questions about his vision, podcasting, dating and how they met...
Guest: Erin